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Oyster Farm Visit


Join one of our passionate oyster farmers and dive into the fascinating world of Belgian oyster culture. During this immersive tour, you'll discover the intricate process behind oyster farming, from tiny larvae to a fully matured delicacy. Learn about the modern cultivation techniques used today and explore whether these methods influence the oysters themselves.

The experience doesn’t end with learning—students will also get to taste a freshly harvested oyster, savoring the fruits of the farmer’s labor. Since oyster farming is highly dependent on nature, most of the tour takes place outdoors, allowing visitors to witness the process firsthand. In case of stormy or rainy weather, a detailed indoor presentation will serve as a backup.

“It takes three to four years for an oyster to be ready to eat,” explains the farmer. “We sort them multiple times a year since they don’t all grow at the same rate. Our work is closely tied to the weather—on sunny days, we spend a lot of time on the water, but when conditions are rough, we work indoors. Nature plays a big role in our harvests; a strong storm can wipe out large numbers of oysters. That’s why we care for them daily, ensuring they grow and thrive as best as possible.”

This unique tour offers a hands-on look at the delicate balance between tradition, sustainability, and the forces of nature in oyster farming, making it an unforgettable experience for all!

  • "De oesterput" zeeklassen "Vlaamse kust " duin en zee schoolreis activiteiten jeugdcentrum accommodatie groepsaccommodatie JVC
  • "De oesterput" zeeklassen "Vlaamse kust " duin en zee schoolreis activiteiten jeugdcentrum accommodatie groepsaccommodatie JVC
  • "De oesterput" zeeklassen "Vlaamse kust " duin en zee schoolreis activiteiten jeugdcentrum accommodatie groepsaccommodatie JVC
  • "De oesterput" zeeklassen "Vlaamse kust " duin en zee schoolreis activiteiten jeugdcentrum accommodatie groepsaccommodatie JVC

Useful Information

  • Age:
    from 10 y/o
  • Duration:
    1h - 1h30
  • Number:
    min. 20 pers.
    max. 30 pers.

  • Prices:
    € 8 per person
    + 20% administrative cost

  • Languages:
    French (enkel on Thursday and Friday)

Useful Information

  • Accessibility:
    tram (9 min.) + on foot (1.1 km - 19 min.) 
    tram (7 min.) + bus 2 (4 min.) + on foot (423m - 7 min.)
    Plan your journey with De Lijn Routeplanner.
  • Information:
    This tour includes tasting one oyster. The Oyster Pit gives tours to schools staying on the coast.
  • Tip:
    Popular months April-June & September-October, we recommend booking one year in advance to be sure of space. 

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